links for 2009-05-04 Categories linkoviPosted on 4. May 2009 iBrowz by intouch Group Novi Rss reader za Windows Mobile platformu (tags: software mobile rss) Evolution of Photoshop: 1988 – 2009 Pregeld evolucije najpopularnijeg softera za foto obradu (tags: photoshop design software evolution) Please follow and like us:
Categories linkoviPosted on 15. January 2010 links for 2010-01-15 Redoable • Sjajan blogerska Wordpress tema (tags: wordpress themes theme template webdesign) ...
Categories linkoviPosted on 27. November 20081. December 2008 links for 2008-11-27 Google документи - Task, Time and Project Management Software Prečice do najboljih web-orijentisanih Task, Time i Project Management aplikacija (tags: tools list) Apple 24-inch LED Cinema Display Prvi utisci o Apple 24-inčnom LED displeju ...