Inbox Zero… well, a one followed by several zeros Categories KarikaturaPosted on 25. May 2009 (woman on a ledge) I have an inbox with 173,682 unread emails. You tell me what I have to live for. (woman on a ledge) I have an inbox with 173,682 unread emails. You tell me what I have to live for. Please follow and like us:
Categories KarikaturaPosted on 1. June 20096. June 2009 Socijalna mreža za one koje Služba prati Služba nikada ne spavam uvek bdi nad nama, a čak se i brine o nama kreirajući nam mesto za druženje ;) naravno O...
Categories KarikaturaPosted on 11. February 200911. February 2009 Google sve zna Google sve zna, pa i to gde ste zagubili ključeve ;)...