Istraga po hitnom postupku

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Prekjuče na email kolege iz redakcije stiže od Neobee provajdera [b]obaveštenje o privremenom suspendovanju ADSL nalog do daljnjeg[/b].

Prosleđujemo vam obaveštenje koje je stiglo od NBC Universala a povodom neovlašćenog razmenjivanja fajlova koji su zaštićeni autorskim pravima.

Zamoljeni ste da prekinete ovakav vid neovlašćene razmene autorskim pravima. U skladu sa odredbama definisanim Ugovorom – vaš ADSL nalog je
privremeno suspendovan do daljnjeg.[/quote]
Mail se nastavlja odredbama ugovora, da na kraju bila navedena nečija inkriminišuća prijava:
[quote=”Neobee”]Title: Back to the Future
Infringement Source: eDonkey
Initial Infringement Timestamp: 1 Jul 2006 02:41:52 GMT
Recent Infringment Timestamp: 1 Jul 2006 02:41:52 GMT
Infringer Username: HighID|1360148181|F7645A236C0ECD8A600786112FE86FA8
Infringing Filename:
Infringing Filesize: 735719424
Infringers IP Address: 81.18.XX.XXX
Infringers DNS Name:
Infringing URL: ed2k://|file|
Da stvar bude još smešnija, sutradan, odnosno juče, kolega je [b]po hitnom postupku pozvan od strane okružnog javnog tužilaštva na informativni razgovor[/b]. Istražni sudija nije baš upućen u [i]peer-to-peer [/i]povezivanje, [i]HUB surfing[/i], i sl. pa savetuje kolegu da se ne bavi “ćoravim poslom”, te da ne napušta zemlju u narednih mesec dana. Naravno, morao je i javno da obeća da to više neće činiti, i da se kaje zbog svojih postupaka.

U zamlji u kojoj mnogo toga nije jasno, gde se organizovane kriminalne grupe nakon maratonskih procesa i suđenja oslobađaju usled “nedostatka dokaza”, tužilaštva i sudovi se bave [b]po hitnom postupku[/b] nečim što većini [b]nije baš najjasnije[/b] i što je u [b]tehnološki naprednijem svetu stvar sporenja[/b].

I savet za kraj: odmorite od razmene fajlova ;) jer je vrlo moguće da [b]razmenjujete fajlove sa “serverom provokatorom”[/b]

[update]Sloba Marković – Internodium

Provajder Tiscali u Britaniji odlučio je da stane u odbranu prava svojih korisnika na fer proces u ovakvim slučajevima. Na sličan korak trebalo bi da se odluče i domaći Internet provajderi, jer u suprotnom dovode u veoma nezgodnu poziciju odnos sa svojim korisnicima. Evo izvoda iz pisma Tiscalija:

“[…] You have sent us a spreadsheet setting out a list of 17 IP addresses you allege belong to Tiscali customers, whom you allege have infringed the copyright of your members, together with the dates and times and with which sound recording you allege that they have done so. You have also sent us extracts of screenshots of the shared drive of one of those customers. You state that such evidence is ‘overwhelming’. However, you have provided no actual evidence in respect of 16 of the accounts. Further, you have provided no evidence of downloading taking place nor have you provided evidence that the shared drive was connected by the relevant IP address at the relevant time.

Similar requests we have dealt with in the past, have included such information and, indeed, the bodies conducting those investigations have felt that a court would consider it necessary to see such evidence, supported by sworn statements, before being able to grant any order.

Therefore, in order to assist you, we will require the following information from you:

1. in respect of the remaining 16 IP addresses, please provide screenshots of each user’s shared drive so that you can prima facie establish communication to the public;

2. in respect of all 17 IP addresses, please provide evidence that shows that the user id is connected via the IP address concerned at the relevant date and time;

3. if you wish to establish that downloading is taking place, please also provide evidence of this; and

3. as these IP address are dynamic and are allocated to a user upon connection for the duration of the connection only, please confirm that the timings provided are all BST, so that we may accurately identify the customer details.


It is not for Tiscali, as an ISP, nor the BPI, as a trade association, to effectively act as a regulator or law enforcement agency and deny individuals the right to defend themselves against the allegations made against them.


As you will already be fully aware, Tiscali will not be able to disclose customer details to you unless you obtain a court order requiring us to do so.”


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