Svojevremeno sam na ovom blogu pomenuo objavljivanje navodnog spiska britanskih agenata koji za interese krune rade po čitavom svetu, gde sam pomenuo (manje-više van konteksta) i tada nama poznatog britanskog ambasadora Čarlsa Kroforda.
A kako svakako u delokrug poslova svake diplomatije spadaju i manje-više prikrivene špijunske aktivnosti, u tom famoznom spisku nalazi se i jedan broj diplomata, a među njima i tadašnji ambasador.
Kruna ko kruna (VB), nikada ne bi ni bila sila da se ne bavi i "prljavim vešom" u što u bližem, što u daljem komšiluku, ali naravno to je uvek rezidentno i uvek se poriče svaka odgovronost (setite se aktuelnog Bonda i "neodgovornosti" nalogodavaca za sve postupke agenata – romatnizovano, eli ne i daleko od istine).
Takvav stav iskazuje i Crawford, na svom sajtu gde je upravo pomenuo moj blog, vezujući pogrešno ovaj zapis za Balkanskom teorijom zavere ;)
I naravno, ništa ne prolazi bez poricanja (čak i kad su Rusi "skinuli" U2, dobro u tom slučaju radilo se o amerikancima) ;)
And weren’t you exposed as a British spy in the Balkans before that?
There are lies, damn lies, statistics, and Balkan conspiracy theories. Any British or indeed other diplomat serving in the Balkans who is not denounced as a spy perhaps is not doing anything useful
Iznad svega zanimljiva blog-analiza Crawforda na aktulenu diplomatsku "pobedu" Srbije u UN.
Ne mogu da razumem sve one sto je napisano ovde. Ale ipak fascinirajuce.
There in fact is a massive professional difference between Diplomats and Spies in training, tasking and general outlook. But no doubt all this is a bit hard to follow from a distance.
The Belgrade 2003 speech on my site at goes into all this a bit:
Many people dislike the British approach on these questions. Bosnian Muslims say we are anti-Muslim. (Drljaca example). The ‘pro-Montenegro’ tendency says HMG are anti-Montenegro. Many Croats insist the British are anti-Croat. Serbs say that the British must be anti-Serb: London inflicted Communism on us, bombed us in WW2, and again in 1999.
Lots of people across this region talk knowingly about the secret British Plan, cooked up at the Congress of Berlin, perfidiously unfolding down the decades. No-one knows the Plan. This shows just how secret and perfidious it really is!
I have bad news for this region. I will be prosecuted under the British Official Secrets Act for telling you. The situation is much worse than us having a Secret Plan. We do not have a Plan. We have no Great Power interests or ‘eternal friendships’ at stake.
But we do have voters. Thousands on thousands of letters poured into the FCO from British people angry at the attack on Dubrovnik. The then Conservative Government responded by supporting heavy sanctions against Belgrade. Your image in the UK has not fully recovered from this.
Diplomacy traditionally is all about relations between states. We do not have a rule-book for relations between states and collapsing states or non-states. We do not have a blueprint for identifying where and how new borders should be drawn when states collapse.
We do not have a handy catalogue in the Foreign Office for balancing Peace with Justice. Can you have Justice without Peace? Or Peace without Justice? We do not have sensible methods for dealing with extreme leaders such as Milosevic and Saddam Hussein who destroy their own economies and use their own countries as hostages.
So we are operating on the Frontier of Policy in this region. This frontier is a uniquely difficult place for Europe. We don’t have all the answers.
This is why the EU and HMG want intelligent partnership with fair-minded people in Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina and other regional centres to tackle these existential problems though dialogue, not ethnic cleansing.
Sve najbolje,
You say above:
Takvav stav iskazuje i Crawford, na svom sajtu gde je upravo pomenuo moj blog, vezujući pogrešno ovaj zapis za Balkanskom teorijom zavere ;)
Why ‘pogresno’, if I might ask?
Poštovanje Charles,
“pogrešno” je zato što se taj bog zapis ne bavi balkanskim teorijama zavere, već sam vas ovlaš pomenuo, u kontekstu.
Vezano za prvi komentar, poznata mi je razlika između školovanja diplomatsog kora i klasičnih obaveštajnih kadrova, ali sam ih izjednačio u smislu da svako od njih radi u intersu svoje zemlje, obaveštajci “otvoreneo” prikriveno, a diplomate javno, uz neke iznimke.
;) razumemo se
Za ovo je delom kriva naša diplomatija, a delom i vaši analitičari i eksperti koji su mnogo bolje poznavali situaciju na terenu. Spominjete Dubrovnik, a ne spovinjete zbeg 200.000 ljudi proteranih.
Ovo za Miloševića i Huseina ne stoji, jer su upravo oni produkti zapadne diplomatije, i jedan i drugi ne bi došli u zenit da ih prethodno niste podržavali. Slična stvar se dešava u Avganistanu, zapad je tokom intervencije SSSR-a podržavao ondašnje razuđeno plemensko stanovništvo, da bi kasniej izrodio “guju u nedrima”.